My adult child misses our home air conditioner

Now, it’s Summer, and Max has to deal with the heat at work and at his own house

My kid did it – well I should say he has been doing it for about 4 months now. Max moved out and found his own place to live. I remember the days of moving out of our parents and the struggles I had to handle. I can only know Max is going through the same thing I had to when I was younger. I think Max does his level best and wants to succeed on his own but I’m typically here along with his mother to help if ever called upon. I think Max doesn’t like it but at times my wife and I drop off a few groceries at his door before he gets home from work so he has some food to cook. I just don’t want to see Max eating all that fast food all the time. It’s not really fantastic for anyone’s health. I also think Max misses sitting in our central air conditioned home after work. I would as well if I had to work in a professional kitchen all the time. Now, it’s Summer, and Max has to deal with the heat at work and at his own house. I have been kicking around the system with my partner about helping him out with getting central air conditioner and I reached out to our good pal Johan on how much it would cost these days to get it installed. I think the price is something Max can’t afford but my associate and I might just do it for a birthday gift for him, a super early birthday gift since his isn’t until fall. I just want Max to have something, even a window air conditioner component to help Max be comfortable when he is at home.

propane boiler

Living life with no air conditioner at home

When I moved out of our parent’s cabin I found that life can be tough.

I don’t really have a lot of savings and I find that I struggle quite a bit with everyday bills.

Maybe it’s our depression creeping into my life again even though I am doing our best to build a life that I can be proud of. I don’t ask anything from our folks, although I think that both mom and dad will help in any way I need it, for example, last weekend our auto broke down and our dad came to the rescue. They want to see myself and others succeed in life, and they understand that I’m trying to do this with little help but like I said I really don’t have the dough so if something happens to our car, then I’m in trouble. I need that to get to work! I guess the thing that I miss the most was the central air conditioner I had living with our parents. I work in the kitchen and it’s typically very hot in here, but after I finish work, it was nice to kneel in the air conditioner, then now, the place I have, it doesn’t have any air conditioner. It’s horrible and I find that I’m dripping with sweat at work and now at home. I talked to a local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C corporation recently to see how much it would cost to get a new air conditioner and the price isn’t something I can afford right now. I guess in the meantime I’m going to have to wait and see if I can find a window air conditioner unit. It’s not really what I want to do but I’ll have to make do until I can a new afford central air conditioner.

heating corporation

We had to give up trying to fix the air conditioner unit

In the meantime, as the weather gets warmer, Bob has decided to do his best to repair our air conditioner unit

My hubby, Bob, has been toiling tirelessly for the past few months, however Bob is putting in long minutes and he is absolutely not enjoying the amount of time he’s at work. Bob’s recent attitude tells myself and others that he is very stressed and sleepy. Bob has had little time with our little family but we still support him no matter what. However, I suspect that section of Bob’s frustration comes from missing out on crucial family events. Our oldest child just started playing pigskin and he wants to be there but work is in the way. Our oldest child looks up to his father because his dad is his position model. This week, Bob took the morning off from work and my associate and I are going out on the boat with our friends Jessie, Mark and their kids. I am legitimately gleeful to spend time with them, but before Bob and I go, I’ll be in charge of making sure that my associate and I have everything Bob and I need for our morning out. Our child is legitimately gleeful as well and has packed some gear as well. In the meantime, as the weather gets warmer, Bob has decided to do his best to repair our air conditioner unit. Sadly, last Summer it broke down and Bob and I have been separate from it ever since, although he has researched the issue to some extent, I still think Bob and I may need to hire a cooling dealer, and regardless, Bob is confident that he can repair it himself, this is 1 of the main things I find charming about him. As I gather our gear, I hear a few option words of frustration from Bob. He then stomped his way up the stairs from the basement and said, “we are calling the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company.”

Residential HVAC

Secret installation of radiant floors

I really hope that it goes the full 7 days which just means that the team and I won another tournament

My partner Kim thinks she’s really slick but it’s ok, I’ll let Kim guess that I don’t think about the radiant floors she has a local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C corporation installing, but i’m legit gleeful for the floor installation for sure but she really didn’t have to call the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company to have it done. I am sure that I whine about our frigid feet all the time but it’s only because I’m on the ice several times a week after work. I just love hockey that much and wish that I was more talented and played for a major team but spending time with friends and trying to win some tournaments here and there is nice, but out of the 35 tournaments I have played in for the last 10 years, I have won 8 of them, then this tournament is pretty far from my home and I’ll be gone for about 5 to 7 days. I really hope that it goes the full 7 days which just means that the team and I won another tournament. This will deliver Kim enough time to have the local Heating, Ventilation, and A/C corporation install the radiant floors and when I get back home I have to give the, oh our god, this is amazing face on, and my friend accidentally spoiled the surprise because he asked me how I liked the radiant floors however he didn’t realize that they were not installed yet, however it was kind of funny even though I told him I would let the secret play out and I wouldn’t want Kim to get mad at him. I’m sure she was a little gleeful and wanted to tell a few people.

ductwork sealing