There were no words that could prepare me.

When I left for work, I knew all of us were having torrential downpour.

My desk is by the windows, so I knew the rain had not lessened up at all throughout the afternoon. When I left work, I knew ‌I was driving through some pretty deep puddles, even with knowing all of this, it did not prepare me for what was about to greet me. There were no words that could have prepared me. I had lived in our house for almost 5 years, in addition to all of us had never had this much rain during that time. When I parked our car in front of the house, I was shocked. The water was so high that it was covering the air conditioning unit in addition to nearly coming into the main floor of the house. The river was overflowing, in addition to I felt love I was on a houseboat instead of in our home. I didn’t guess what I was going to do if our air conditioning unit was underwater. I couldn’t have air conditioning in the house, in addition to I was even afraid to use our electric. All I can imagine was everyone in our house being electrocuted when I turn on a light. I called the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning corporation in addition to asked if that amount of water was going to do damage to our AC unit, in addition to he told me he didn’t guess it would. Once the water receded, all I had to do was call the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning corporation in addition to someone would come out to inspect the cooling system for me. In the meantime, I told our teenagers to grab some personal items, in addition to all of us headed to a hotel. I would not go without air or lights in addition to neither did our teenagers.


Cooling and heating company