What to do in this situation

I had seen others having some issues with the a/c as well but they were irate towards the hotel desk

The last time I was away on business I had stayed at the kind of cheap but nice hotel. Everything about it was pretty decent for the price except the central air conditioning system. They had one of those old heating and air conditioning units that was attached to the wall in each room in the hotel. It just was not working properly. It was like the air conditioning was blowing out fan air instead of air conditioning type cooling. There was only one thing I could do really, and that was to complain and demand a room that had working air conditioning. It was rather hot outside. But rather than be mean about it, the way to handle this situation and get results is to be sugar sweet kind to the hotel desk. And that is exactly what I did. As a result of that they instantly moved me to another hotel room that had quality working air conditioning. I had seen others having some issues with the a/c as well but they were irate towards the hotel desk. Well guess what? They got nothing but excuses and no results! You can get a lot further with kindness than you can with being tough and angry, even if you really don’t want to be nice. It worked in the case of me instantly getting moved to a hotel room with good air conditioning. So take a lesson from my little tale here and put it into action the next time you have this kind of situation.


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