When my computer crashed

I had a major computer crash not too long ago.

  • And the cause of it was something I would have never imagined.

It was the program/app that controls my smart thermostat! This caused my computer to crash because I did not know that the smart thermostat app required a more up to date computer. I have an older computer that simply could not handle the technology that the smart thermostat app for my central heating and air conditioning system has. If I had read the manual more close I would have known that. But because I didn’t the smart thermostat app caused my computer to crash and also cost me a few hundred bucks to have a computer tech come and rescue the computer to make it operational again. So i want to tell everyone that if you have an old computer, do not put the program and app for the smart thermostat on it. Put that smart thermostat app on your phone only or an up to date laptop. If you have a new computer it may be ok, but just read the instruction manual about the smart thermostat because that will tell you if your regular computer could handle it or not. In the future I must read more carefully and not be in such a rush to get things going. Had I done that in the first place I would have saved myself a few hundred bucks on computer repair. I’m just happy that everything was able to be rescued and fixed!
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