Couldn’t understand the errors from the thermostat

The control equipment seems to be mistaken, plus I now have a plan of what I am going to do about it, but I know that there is no way that the control equipment can actually be accurate. I know what our comfortable temperature is. I typically assume the most comfortable in our house when the control equipment is set to around 80 degrees… My loving wife prefers the temperature to be around 72, plus I am nice with that. I typically assume a little warm, but I can live with those temperatures; however, recently, I began to notice that our house has felt a lot colder! For instance, I walked into our house a single day, plus I had to put a blazer on because it was so cold. I decided to check the control unit, plus it said that the temperature in the house was 73 degrees. I know for a fact that this is not remotely accurate. For the next few days, the control equipment said the same thing, but I also knew that it was colder. I have no way to verify this, but I am pretty sure that our control equipment is broken. I don’t mind that it is broken, but I hope that our central air cooler isn’t running occasionally. I might need to call an actual heating plus A/C serviceman plus see if they can verify our thoughts. If I need to buy another control equipment just so that I can get an accurate reading of our heating plus A/C unit, I could also totally do that. I have just never heard of a control equipment doing that before. Has anyone here ever experienced anything similar?


heat pump