My Mother-in-law finally visited just when we got a new air conditioning system

I have been married for three years and have only seen Donna, my mother-in-law, in photos and video calls.

She lives abroad and has been there for years now.

She has a business that keeps her there. During our marriage, she attended virtually because she had just had a hip replacement and could not travel. My husband told me last week that Donna would be coming to visit for the summer. I needed to make an excellent first impression, and the only way I knew how was to have a clean and comfortable home since she would be staying with us. I called the local air conditioning business and scheduled a visit from the cooling specialist. I had my heat pump for years now, and though it functioned properly, I needed a clean bill of health from an air conditioning expert. It is a good thing the a/c reps came to assess the cooling equipment because it did not pass the bill of health. After trying to do some serious air conditioning repairs, the technicians established that the unit was old and at the end of its lifespan. This would allow me to get a new air conditioning system with the latest cooling technology. Thanks to the merchant of the cooling product with knowledge on more about air conditioning, who sold me my new system. The air conditioning installation was done the same day, and the technician reminded me to schedule the first air conditioner tune-up after 12 months. I got the air conditioning filters by HEPA to improve the air quality. When Donna finally came, we immediately bonded, and she also commented on the quality of indoor comfort in the summer heat.

heat pump service