We could never agree on the temperatures

My husband and I have never seen eye to eye when it comes to temperatures.

Has been a recurring problem in our marriage, I want to get a zone controlled HVAC system to take care of this issue once and for all but my husband refuses to because of how expensive they are.

I understand that getting his own control heating and cooling system wouldn’t be cheap, but we are constantly fighting over the temperatures and in my mind the constant fighting isn’t worth it. He could easily keep this house in the high 80s to maybe even low 90s and he’ll be fine. I like to think that I’m more normal because I like room temperatures, not even that picky with what the room temperature is in the house. It’s my husband’s issues with anything that is cooler than 85 degrees. If you ask me it’s crazy, understand being such a hot houses beyond me especially in the summer months. In the summer months here with the heater going it could easily get up to 95 degrees in the house that’s not higher. I’m completely serious that my husband runs the heater, not the air conditioner, in the summer months. It’s unfortunate because apart from the temperature differences we have a lot in common, but we cannot seem to get past these temperature differences. He refuses to buy a zone controlled HVAC system, and just expects me to go and have to deal with this heat. He doesn’t even ask me how I feel about it. I know it’s not a good sign, and I’m wondering if maybe I should leave.

air conditioning workman