I found some dust and dirt in the air vents that was red

During the Spring months I like to go around the house and clean all of the places that usually get missed.

This would include the air vents and the ductwork.

I remove all of the ductwork covers and I place them in a bath of warm soapy water. I like to use Dawn dish detergent. I think it cuts through all of the grease and grime and the Soapy Suds make it easier to wipe down each one of the vents after they have soaked for 30 minutes. I also use a long handled dusting broom to remove all of the dust and dirt inside of the ductwork. The telescoping handle is nearly 9 ft long and I can really get inside of the duct work. It makes me feel very organized when I get all of the ductwork and the air vents cleaned. It’s not something I do frequently, but I love the way the house smells when there is Lysol in the scent of every single one of the ducts. I was cleaning the duct work this spring and I was very surprised to find red dirt, dust, and lent that did not match anything in the house. The red dirt and dust was very strange and bizarre. I kept it out of the garbage can until my family could get home from school and work. I asked everyone if they knew what the red dots could be from and no one had an answer. I honestly still don’t know how that red substance ended up in the ductwork. It has bothered me since I cleaned and that was 5 months ago.



air conditioning business