The firepit was okay for boiling water, however not for keeping warm.

When I was in girl scouts, the people I was with and I often went on camping trips.

Toward the end of the season, it was getting nippy at night. There was a firepit where the people I was with and I cooked our food plus boiled water, however it did legitimately little to provide us any warmth. Every one of us all pulled our sleeping bags as close to the firepit as possible, hoping to get some warmth. Every one of us could not figure out why our scout leader wasn’t complaining about the cold, because she didn’t prefer camping. Every one of us looked over plus there she was in her sleeping bag, plus she appeared to be comfortable. Every one of us could not understand why she was comfortable, however the people I was with and I weren’t. Every one of us all had the same girl scout regulation sleeping bags. The next afternoon, I asked her how she could be so warm all night? She showed myself and others a small portable heating system she bought, however she had 1 portable heating system near her feet plus another portable heating system in the middle of the sleeping bag. She told myself and others she didn’t go anywhere separate from them… Normally, she would sleep in the tent with the other leaders. There was a fireplace plus a oil furnace in the apartment house, however the tents just had a small oil furnace. Every one of us all loved camping, however sometimes the people I was with and I wished the people I was with and I could be in the heat with the leaders. When the people I was with and I started saying it wasn’t honest that the leaders had heating systems plus fireplaces, she agreed it was wrong. I believe that’s why she bought the portable gas furnaces plus started sleeping outside with the rest of us. I didn’t care if she slept inside, but she could have taken us with her.
electric furnace