It was so hot in the bedroom,

I called the HVAC company and told them the furnace was working overtime, and explained how hot it was in my home.

I woke up flushed and having a difficult time breathing. I thought it was my asthma acting up again and reached for my inhaler. When it got my hand from beneath the covers, I knew it wasn’t my asthma. It was just as hot in the room as it was beneath the blankets. I was suffocating and had to check the thermostat. My eyes were burning by the time I checked the thermostat and realized it was a problem with the furnace. I set the thermostat for sixty, but it was almost ninety in the room. I didn’t think the thermostat in the bedroom would make that much difference. I got out of the bedroom, and the entire house was hot. I opened a window, but had to close it. It was snowing, and the snow was being blown into the house. I opened a window that was away from the wind, but it still pulled snow inside. I called the HVAC company and told them the furnace was working overtime, and explained how hot it was in my home. He said some people would be happy about the heat, but I didn’t appreciate his sarcasm. I told him that if he didn’t want to repair the furnace, I could find someone else who would. He couldn’t show until morning, so I curled up on the floor in the basement family room, where it was always cool. The next morning, i was up at 6 AM, waiting for the HVAC technician, who didn’t arrive until almost 11 AM, and I was not happy.


Geo heat pump