Full time HVAC job

That is the life of my friend, who has a house worth two and a half million bucks, and a ton of stuff going on in his life.

I wonder why some people fill their lives with so much business, while others like me keep it very simple and easy.

I don’t know if they are trying to fill a void or if they are doing what I should be doing, but I just don’t have the energy anymore to do all of that busy work. I have just enough energy to work at the local business doing smart thermostat sales and some heat pump work, but that is about the extent of my workweek. Maybe I should have had kids and then I would know what it is all about. Maybe I am missing out on something that is really special, but I am 55 now and too old for kids. My heating corp boss has a few kids and always seems to be stressed out about them in one way or another. I guess it depends on what kind of a kid you have, or how you have raised them, but I guess I will never know what having kids feels like. This could be good or bad news. My kids are my ductwork cleaning jobs and the HVAC repairs that I have to do each week. My other kid is my musical career and my volleyball teaching work I do each week, those are the kids that keep me busy. I do like to work in the heating and cooling field though.


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