She was questioning me about the HVAC technician.

My daughter had just turned fourteen, and she was going through a tough time in her life.

She was realizing how hard growing up was.

She wanted to be a little girl, but she also wanted to be a grown up. She was in that middle of the road stage. When the HVAC technician arrived to work on the furnace, I saw the budding woman rear its ugly head. She couldn’t believe how cute the HVAC technician was. She was asking me how old I thought he was. I told her you had to be eighteen to go to HVAC school, so he was at least twenty. That made him much too old for her. She told me that she would age quickly, and she would soon be old enough to date older men. I had to agree, but the HVAC technician was six years older than her. She fancied herself falling in love and being the wife of an HVAC technician. Then she said that maybe she should be an HVAC technician when she got old enough. If she worked in an HVAC company, she would have her picked of all the single HVAC technicians. I told her she could possibly find an HVAC technician while in school, and he would be close to her age. She grimaced and told me I was thinking too far ahead, and headed to her room to call her best friend. I had a feeling the HVAC technician was only the beginning of her many crushes over the years. I only hope they all end as easily and quickly as this one.


air conditioning system