Worked out the best deal

I am pretty good at working out deals with people.

Especially when it comes to business.

This was a skill I used when I was talking to my local heating and air conditioning specialist from the local heat and a/c company about heating and cooling service plans. Heating and cooling service plans are actually a great thing to have if you get the right price. The original price for the local heating and air conditioning company’s heating and cooling service plan was a bit much for what they were offering. So I used my wheel and deal skills to somehow talk down the price. I honestly did not think it was going to work because once they set their price that is it. However, this heating and air conditioning specialist from the local heating and cooling company also was the main manager of the heat and a/c corporation. So because of that he had some say in what was what. I ended up getting their heating and cooling service plan for almost half off what it regularly costs. This was a pretty big surprise to me and I was shocked that I actually made this deal successfully! It just goes to show that it doesn’t hurt to try anything. I tried and it worked out really well. So now I have their heating and air conditioning service plan for the entire year for the real great price they gave me on it thanks to my skill in making good business deals.

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