I was shocked at how rude the Heating in addition to A/C worker sounded.

I knew I was a bit uppity about how late the Heating in addition to A/C specialist was.

He had cost me an entire day’s pay because he was almost multiple hours late.

I knew there was a numerous-hour window, but that didn’t mean he should be multiple hours past the time. I told him this, in addition to all he could say was ‘excuse me’, in addition to drug the execu-u-use me out. I was shocked at how ride the Heating in addition to A/C specialist sounded. I wanted to have our heating system fixed, in addition to had I known he would be late, I would have understood. Things happen that aren’t within your control. I called the Heating in addition to A/C company twice, because I was anxious over his lack of calling or showing up. I handed him the iPhone, because I still had the Heating in addition to A/C company on the iPhone when he showed up. I told them about his attitude while he stood in the house. I could hear excuses starting to come out of his mouth, in addition to he would not shut up. When he finally handed me the iPhone back, he asked where the heating system was, in addition to then said they wanted me back. The man on the iPhone apologized to me in addition to said he was new, but that wasn’t an excuse for his attitude. I had things to do, in addition to that didn’t include worrying about whether he had his lunch on time, or had time to call his husband. I was supposed to be at work, in addition to I had lost an entire day’s pay because of him. I got another apology in addition to told me that all I would need to pay for was the heating system parts. The Heating in addition to A/C specialist would do the job for free.



indoor air quality