I offered to sponsor the baseball team

I told the woman that my commercial heating and air conditioning repair company will sponsor the team

My son loves to play baseball. It is one of his favorite things to do. When I get home in the summer, we always go outside and play catch before it is time for dinner. On game days, my wife or I go and sit and watch our son play ball. Tommy plays second base for the local team. Last year they were called the hornets, but the year before that the team was called the sharks. I took Tommy down to the Civic Center to sign him up for baseball on saturday. I found out that the league was only going to have five teams this year instead of six. Tommy was on the 16th that was going to be cut. I wanted to know why they weren’t going to have six teams and they told me that there was no sponsor for the 16th. The team was previously sponsored by a plumbing company, but they had to drop out at the last minute and there was no one else to sponsor the team. I asked how much it was going to cost. It was a little bit more money than I wanted to spend, but it was an investment for my son. I told the woman that my commercial heating and air conditioning repair company will sponsor the team. The woman was absolutely happy when she heard the news. She asked me to stay and talk with the administrator so they could work out all of the details. The next day I met with the guy at the Civic Center so we could discuss putting the commercial heating and air conditioning repair company logo on the kids uniforms.


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