It’s amazing what they find when cleaning ductwork.

I couldn’t believe how much dirt and other stuff HVAC technicians find when they are cleaning ductwork.

I thought it would just be a lot of dust and debris, but I was wrong.

My husband had never worked with ductwork cleaning, but the HVAC company’s owner asked him to be the lead HVAC technician last week. It didn’t thrill my husband to do the job, but it was better than walking into someone’s house and getting chased by dogs or snakes, which had already happened to him. When he showed up at the house with the crew of ductwork cleaners, he was prepared to watch the men clean the ductwork and clean the dirt they created. It surprised him when there was no mess, and the crew needed little supervision. They knew exactly what they were doing. It surprised him even more when he heard the crew laughing. He walked over, and found them going through a wad of dirty money. Someone had dropped a wallet full of money in the ductwork, and they were wondering if the owner even knew it was lost. My husband took the wallet and said thank you, but the crew only laughed. He went inside and asked if the family was missing anything. The woman said there was nothing missing that she was aware of, unless he found a missing wallet her husband lost a couple of months earlier. He gave the woman the wallet and said the HVAC ductwork cleaners found it when it was sucked out of the ductwork. Her daughter looked at the wallet and tried to grab it. Her daddy had said mommy could make money disappear, and she hid the wallet in the ductwork so it wouldn’t disappear.


Rooftop HVAC