A/C didn’t work today

Today was the first warm day of the year.

This winter was an especially cold winter too.

We ran the oil furnace from the end of October until the end March non stop. For the last month we have turned on the oil furnace only at night. But today, we actually needed air conditioning. I like to get HVAC maintenance done before I use it for the first time in a year. I prefer to make sure everything is all oiled up and running smoothly before I ask a lot of my HVAC system. Of course, I haven’t done that yet this year. I was planning to have the air conditioner serviced next month. That is usually when the warm weather hits us. But today was super hot. Yesterday we had a high of 60 degrees. Today we had a high of 87. What a difference! I decided it wouldn’t hurt if I turned on the air conditioner today. After all, we take good care of our HVAC system so it should be fine, right? Wrong. That turned out to be a huge mistake. I could tell something was wrong within minutes of turning on the air conditioner. The air didn’t get cold. I left it on for several more minutes but it never cooled down. Eventually, I turned the air conditioner back off and called up our HVAC professionals. They were backed up with calls. I guess everyone was having problems after turning their air conditioners on for the first time this year. However, our HVAC supplier did eventually find time to pay us a visit. They got our air conditioner fixed up quickly and now it is working great again. I am super happy. Tomorrow it is going to be a high of 52.


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