I had to buy dehumidifiers for my house

My husband and I were both born and raised up north.

We loved living up there, and we honestly never planned to move anywhere else.

It was quite difficult making the decision to move south. My husband took it the hardest because he had to sell his parents house which was filled with precious memories from his childhood. I felt really bad, but both of us knew that it was time to move no matter how much our hearts did not want to. I actually do not mind living down south. It has been a little difficult getting used to a new way of life and meeting new people. The humidity is something that I still struggle with, and my husband does as well. It is much more of a humid climate than we are used to. The worst part for me is that the humidity messes with my hair. I cannot curl my hair anymore because the humidity is so high that the curls just fall out and my hair becomes a giant puffball. My husband has more serious issues with the humidity. He has noticed that it has done some damage to our house. The wallpaper in the kitchen is peeling off because of the humidity as well as in the bathrooms. The humidity also makes the floors slippery sometimes which is not fun. I have fallen twice since we lived in the house, and one of the times I broke two of my fingers. We decided that we needed to start using dehumidifiers in our house. We bought two of them. One is upstairs, and the other one is downstairs in the kitchen. The dehumidifiers have definitely helped!



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