My new fireplace is so beautiful

My husband and I live in an old farmhouse, and I absolutely love it.

It is exactly what I always dreamed of living in as a child. My parents divorced when I was young, and my mom went on to remarry. She married a guy who owned a beautiful farmhouse. I fell in love with that house the first time that I set eyes on it. I knew that I wanted to live in a farmhouse when I grew up. I am so thankful that my dreams came true because I am blessed with a beautiful old farmhouse. My husband has done a ton of remodeling on the house as well as reinsulated the whole thing. He had to rewire almost the entire house as well. It was quite the project, but he got it done relatively quickly. We have a new furnace in our house that we bought when we first moved in, and it works great. Even though we have that furnace, I still really wanted a wood burning fireplace. Something about wood fireplaces makes me super happy. They feel so cozy and warm. They also make a room feel really homey in my opinion. My husband knew how much I wanted a wood fireplace, so he found one and bought it for me. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is made of beautiful stonework, and it is huge. He also makes sure to keep a large supply of wood for me, so that I never run out. I truly love my fireplace, and I love my man who worked so hard to install if for me.


a/c rep