The furnace in my uncle's cabin quit working while we were there

I have one of the best uncles in the entire world.

  • He is such a great guy.

My parents split up when I was just a baby, and my mom struggled to take care of us kids. My uncle, who is my dad’s brother, helped raise us. He paid for just about everything that we needed. He even brought groceries to the house when my mom was struggling financially. He made sure that all three of us kids made it through college. He didn’t just give us money though. He taught us how to work hard and save money. I really do not know where we would be today if it were not for my amazing uncle. He is still a huge support and blessing to my family. He owns a cabin way out in the middle of the country, and he lets my family and I go and vacation there anytime that we want. He does not charge us anything for it either. I feel so bad because the last time that we stayed in the cabin, the furnace quit working. It was super weird. It was working just fine when we arrived at the cabin, and it continued to work just fine for the first few days that we were there. We woke up one morning to a freezing cold cabin. It was probably about thirty-five degrees in there. We all snuggled together in blankets to stay warm. We called my uncle after trying to restart the furnace several times. He came and checked it out. It turns out that the furnace had just died. He had to get a brand new one. I tried to help him pay for it, but he would not even take a penny.


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