I like to think that I approach challenges and problems calmly and in a cohesive manner. This is the same approach that I take whether it’s inside the commercial HVAC of the office or at home with my family. I prefer to be the sort who looks for common ground and commons sense when finding solutions. This is always where I start and I make sure that all stakeholders are involved. But just like inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office, I sometimes have to take matters into my own hands at home as well. I always like to try the collective approach with discussion, clear goals and accountability. However, there are times where that approach can be ineffective due to those involved trying to take advantage of that approach. So that requires me to do stuff that I don’t like to do which is unilaterally make decisions to solve the problem. This was certainly the case with the way the HVAC equipment was being used in my home. I’ve always tried to teach my children that while they are certainly fortunate to have the life they have, they are not entitled. But the way they were jerking the thermostat around to accommodate their whims was unacceptable. Of course, I tried the rational approach for months. But over and over again, I was disappointed to see the same behavior was taking place. So finally, I had the HVAC company install a smart thermostat. With the smart thermostat I can put it in a mode that denies access to anyone else but me when it comes to adjusting the thermostat. HVAC equipment abuse problem is now solved.