It seemed most prudent for me to find some space inside the central air conditioning of my home that was mine.
With a house full of kids, I was finding it tougher and tougher to simply be able to be quiet with my thoughts. I spend a lot of time inside the commercial HVAC of an office doing work that can be especially stressful. My work requires long hours, super focus and often more confrontation than I want. So I find it essential to be able to relax and balance out my head when I’m at home. But again, there are a whole lot of people inside the central air conditioning in my house that make that tough. I tried using the small home office as a place of quiet and refuge. But my wife also needs that space to do the stuff that she needs to do. So it was pretty clear to me that I needed to find somewhere else in the house and maybe even outside of the central air conditioning. That’s when I called the HVAC company and had them install a ductless heat pump in our finished attic. The previous owner had finished off the attic space for some reason but all we were using it for was storage. With that ductless heat pump and a couple of camp chairs, I turned that area into a place where I can relax and not be bothered. I also have to say that I was really amazed by how great the heating and cooling comfort is with the ductless hate pump. These days, I know I can enjoy quality heating and air while getting the quiet and balance that I need.