Wow, That Sea Was Ice Cold This Morning!

I did 15 minutes in the sea just a few minutes ago plus boy was it chilly this week.

All of us have cloudy skies plus no daylight so the temperature was quite chilly even before going into the water.

I’m blissful I got our space oil furnace here next to me right now warming up our body. I just took a 20 minute hot bath till our hot water was gone, I suppose the water temp was about 100 F as opposed to the 56 F sea temperature I came out of not long before. The change in temperature is supposed to be nice for the blood vessels so I do it every day. I have a central heating component but I prefer to just use the space oil furnace as it is much more energy efficient, especially since I am only using a single room all day in the flat. I heat the lavatory up with the hot bath as I close the shower curtain tightly so that it turns into a small sauna room. It’s nice having a residential HVAC provider down the street who can help me if something goes wrong with the unit. They have relaxing prices for repairs plus repair since it is quite dead in this town in the Winter time. I am going down there later this month to check out the HEPA filters they have in stock to see if any of them will fit our unit. I need to measure our new filter plus make sure I get the exact match. I hope you are having a relaxing day!

Heating and air conditioning

Wow, That Sea Was Ice Cold This Morning!

I did 15 minutes in the sea just a few minutes ago and boy was it frosty today.

We have cloudy skies and no sun so the temperature was quite frosty even before going into the water.

I’m delighted I got our space heating system here next to myself and others right now warming up our body. I just took a 20 minute tepid bath till our tepid water was gone, I suppose the water temp was about 100 F as opposed to the 56 F sea temperature I came out of not long before. The change in temperature is supposed to be wonderful for the blood vessels so I do it every afternoon. I have a central heating component however I prefer to just use the space heating system as it is much more energy efficient, especially since I am only using a single room all afternoon in the flat. I heat the bathroom up with the tepid bath as I close the shower curtain tightly so that it turns into a small sauna room. It’s nice having a residential Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C provider down the street who can help myself and others if something goes wrong with the unit. They have fantastic prices for repairs and repair since it is quite dead in this town in the Winter time. I am going down there later today to check out the HEPA filters they have in stock to see if any of them will fit our unit. I need to measure our current filter and make sure I get the exact match. I hope you are having a fantastic afternoon!
heater technician

Tonight The Fireworks Start in My Small Town

Today is the first day of the Carnaval celebration in addition to this will be my first year experiencing it firsthand without any covid restrictions.

I believe there will be an extra 10,000 people in my neighborhood later today so I better enjoy the peace while it lasts.

It is eerily quiet here right now, I think like every one of us are going to get hit by a tidal wave of people soon. I like the influx of energy in addition to the craziness for a little while. It will all be over on Sunday so it’s only for a few days. I can finally turn off my central heat in the day now that every one of us have turned the corner with the weather. It looks like every one of us have about 60 F each day for the next two weeks with lows around 48 F. I may absolutely need to run my air conditioner because my little study room gets quite hot at evening. I could always open the window in my study room but with Carnaval going on now there will be a lot of noise until the wee minutes of the morning. I like to run my fan on my central air conditioner to help keep the air wash in my flat as I installed a HEPA filter in it a few weeks ago in addition to it works so well. I have a ppm meter to measure the air quality in addition to it is showing me that my air is in the ideal range now. I’m cheerful that I don’t need to buy a whole home air purification system since all of my money is in cryptos.

help with indoor comfort

Why Jump Out of a Perfectly Good Airplane?

I’ve had a lot of injuries in my days seeing that I have been a daredevil style of spirit my whole life.

It all ended though 1 day when I was skydiving in addition to almost hit the ground while jumping, with my local corporation friend piloting the plane.

This is a tplot story in addition to I’ll keep it short. I was on jump number 174 in addition to was doing tricks in the air before opening my parachute. I left the hot dropzone hangar, there was no a/c, in addition to went up in the plane in addition to jumped out. I got into a side spin on my back in addition to was sliding through the air sideways while spinning suddenly. It took me a while to get out of the spin in addition to when my parachute opened I was two minutes from impact. I quit skydiving that day. I decided to get a task at the local hardware store selling air conditioners in addition to oil heating systems in addition to settled for a life of peace in addition to quiet. Well, that lasted about a year until I decided to start doing stand up comedy full time for the adrenaline rush. I would then spend the following 17 years chasing the dream in bars without a/c or heating overseas. I’m cheerful with my choice in addition to enjoy the life I am living now. I found the perfect sea neighborhood for me in addition to will stay here the rest of the days of my life. I live in a flat with a few space oil heating systems scattered in odd rooms in addition to 1 small portable air conditioner. Life is Good!
indoor air quality