I Think I Slept About Three Hours Last Night

This Russian war has affected my sleep quite a bit lately, but I am taking it in stride plus showing myself patience plus kindness to weather this storm gently, and there is no need to make things worse when I don’t have a nice night of sleep so I just tell myself to transfer through the day lighthearted plus carefree knowing that all is well.

  • I am going to measure my filter in my air handler for my heating plus cooling system so that I can replace it with a washable HEPA filter.

I’m not sure what they cost but it will be worth it for myself and others in the long run because I have a lot of dust irritations to dust. I wear 1 of those nose strips to open my nasal passage, plus they toil quite well, but when the filter is dirty plus the dust gets to be too much I need to take more steps to respected it. The Heating plus A/C business down the street sells HEPA filters but I don’t guess if they have the size that I am looking for. I truly need to get on Amazon plus just order from there. I like to support the local business when possible but this is something that is out of their scope, plus besides I think they would charge a lot more for the same HEPA filter that I can get myself. Thank God for the internet plus Amazon! I guess some people are against important companies like that but I think it is a nice thing too. Yin plus Yang.


hvac tech

The neighbor complained about color of my truck

Obviously someone is trying to make a point

The graphics designer for my heating repair company came up with a new color scheme for the logo and it is really loud. It’s so loud, bright, and vivid, that my neighbor decided to call the HOA to complain. The colors on my HVAC repair website are the same as the colors on the new truck. We matched the paint perfectly so the new logo is on all of our repair business and promotional materials. It doesn’t seem like my neighbor likes the purple and orange colors that we picked, because he made a complaint to the president. I had a knock on the door very early one morning. The lady was a representative from the homeowners association. She wanted me to know that the neighbor was complaining about the color of the vehicle. She asked me if I could park the work vehicle in the garage. I asked the representative if it was illegal or against the rules to have a truck that was purple and orange. She told me that it was not. I refused to move my truck. The next morning oh, someone let all of the air out of the front two tires of my truck. They didn’t slash the tires or cause any damage. It didn’t ruin my day, but it certainly delayed me by quite some time. Obviously someone is trying to make a point. If I find out who it is, I will take matters into my own hands. I’m not breaking the law or doing anything illegal, and it’s nobody’s business but mine if I want to have a truck with loud and obnoxious colors.


SEO services

There are more than 4.5 million searches every day

SEO advertising is important, because millions of individuals use search engines when they want to locate certain products or places, but in order for your website to be found, it’s ranking must be extraordinary on many of the major search engines.

Many results show that the majority of internet users will not click past the first page of search engine results.

If they do not find what they want, they simply adjust the search terms. There are billions of searches every single day. If your website can’t be found in these searches, you are leaving out an important area of your advertising audience. I was never aware that search engine optimization was important , however now I’m sure that it is the primary reason why my company is thriving. Before I hired a designer to build a website and optimize that website for search engines, I had but a few jobs for the Heating and Air Conditioning business. I had a couple of repair calls each week. Now I can be found online in the search results any time someone searches for an Heating and Air Conditioning repair repair nearby. Getting the words and phrases right wasn’t easy, however now I love having free advertising every single week. The website is run and inspected by a digital advertising executive. They handle everything and take care of any hiccups or problems that might come up and I spend money paying a small weekly fee for their services. Advertising has changed my entire enterprise.

Digital marketing

Faith didn’t know search engine optimization was crucial

SEO advertising is not something to overlook, because a majority of people use search engines when they want to find certain services and goods.

Any person who wants their website to be visible needs it to have a high ranking on many or all of the major search engines.

Many results show that the majority of search engine users won’t click past the first page of search engine results. Even if they don’t find what they are looking for, they opt to change the search terms. There are more than several billion searches that happen every 24 hours. If your website isn’t visible in these searches, then you are leaving out a vital area of your SEO audience. Faith had no idea that search engine optimization was necessary, but now she is aware that this is the number one reason why her company is thriving. Before Faith hired a web designer to build a website and optimize that website for search engines, she did very minimal HVAC business. She used to get a few repair calls once in a while, but now she can be found online in the search results any time someone searches for an HVAC repair service nearby. It took about a month to get the words and phrases right, but now it’s like having free advertising for her HVAC business. The website is set up and inspected by a digital SEO business. They handle everything and take care of any hiccups or problems that might come up. All Faith has to do is pay a small daily fee for their services. This advertising has changed the way she does business.