What to do in this situation

I had seen others having some issues with the a/c as well but they were irate towards the hotel desk

The last time I was away on business I had stayed at the kind of cheap but nice hotel. Everything about it was pretty decent for the price except the central air conditioning system. They had one of those old heating and air conditioning units that was attached to the wall in each room in the hotel. It just was not working properly. It was like the air conditioning was blowing out fan air instead of air conditioning type cooling. There was only one thing I could do really, and that was to complain and demand a room that had working air conditioning. It was rather hot outside. But rather than be mean about it, the way to handle this situation and get results is to be sugar sweet kind to the hotel desk. And that is exactly what I did. As a result of that they instantly moved me to another hotel room that had quality working air conditioning. I had seen others having some issues with the a/c as well but they were irate towards the hotel desk. Well guess what? They got nothing but excuses and no results! You can get a lot further with kindness than you can with being tough and angry, even if you really don’t want to be nice. It worked in the case of me instantly getting moved to a hotel room with good air conditioning. So take a lesson from my little tale here and put it into action the next time you have this kind of situation.


hvac brands

This was a bit much

But at least now I have a portable space heater for next year

I was really desperate to get a portable space heater for my bedroom this past winter. I simply could not find a space heater for sale at any of the regular places that sell them. It seems that the reason I could not find a portable space heater for sale was because they were always sold out. I got to the point where I would take a space heater anywhere I could find one for sale. Well I found a portable space heater for sale online through craigslist locally of all places. However they were asking way too much for a used portable space heater for sale. Because of this, I didn’t even bother to look into it. I may have been desperate to find a portable space heater for sale, but even I have my limits and I am not one to be taken for a sucker. Eventually I did end up getting my portable space heater from one of the usual outlet stores. A bit late in the winter time months to where I had no need to use it. But at least now I have a portable space heater for next year. So at that time when everyone else is scrambling looking to find a portable space heater for sale, I will not have to worry about it because I already got my portable space heater ahead of time! I could not believe that all the portable space heaters were sold out all winter long though. I had never actually seen anything like this before in my whole entire life. But at least I got my portable space heater.


heat and ac products

When night falls

If I could actually afford it I would invest my money into one of those whole home air purification systems

I always look forward to it getting dark here where I live. The reason for this is because the air quality ends up getting so much better after dark. In the day as of lately we have had the most horrible air quality with pollen and all other kinds of allergens in the air. It has been so bad that even my portable air purification system doesn’t help a whole lot. However when night comes, the allergens and bad air quality dies down and you can breathe once again. It has been really crazy and I do not know why this is. A few times it has been so bad that even when the night comes in the allergies and air quality were still bad. I am hoping that this is just a temporary thing as it has only been going on like this for about a month now. But who knows where it really all will end up. I may have to go out and buy a few more portable air purification systems to help fight off all this bad air quality and bad allergies. Having more portable air purification systems could be the answer to it all. If I could actually afford it I would invest my money into one of those whole home air purification systems. Whole home air purification systems could be the answer to everything. This is because those whole home air purification systems are very powerful and can handle the most worst air quality around. Fighting off bad air quality is a task no matter how you look at it.

a/c care program

Working a bit more

The last 5 months or so I have been working a lot of overtime at my job.

I work in the heating and air conditioning business as a certified heat and a/c specialist for one of our HVAC companies in the city.

And working in this field there is always plenty of overtime to be taken if you want it. I usually do not work overtime because all week working hard on heating and air conditioning repair or heat and a/c installations, I really need my rest. But because I am taking the family on vacation this summer, I wanted to work overtime and get a chunk of extra cash to be able to really go all out on the vacation with a sky’s the limit attitude as if we were rich. In order to make that possible, working all that overtime at the heating and air conditioning company had to be done. I am so glad its all over now and I am back to regular scheduled work weeks. I was really getting burned out to be totally honest. But it was all well worth it. Because in a month from now I am taking the time off from work paid and then taking the family on that awesome vacation that I worked my tail off to get tons of extra money towards. It is going to be a really good time I think. I am seriously looking forward to it and so is my family without a question of a doubt!


new hvac equipment